Note: This can only be
done while in Commissioner mode, and between seasons. You can't
change the league structure while the season is still going.
- Go to Tools->Options
and enable Commissioner Mode.
- Go to the League Editor
Option located under the Tools menu.
- Select 'Add New Team'
- Select a city for
your team. (You can add a city to the game if your city isn't
listed. See Adding Cities). Type
in the Home location of your team. It can be the name of the city,
or the name of the state the city is in. For example, you could
have something like the Florida Cougars, versus Jacksonville Sharks.
- Select a Nickname
for your team. This is really the name of your team. For example,
I might choose Honolulu as my city, and nickname the team Sharks.
- Once you have the
home name set and the nickname set, choose a three letter abbreviation
for your team. In the case of Honolulu, I've chosen HON.
- Select which division
you'd like this team to play in.
- Set fan loyalty (A
through F).
- Choose if you'd like
this team controlled by the computer, or by a human.
- Hit Refresh to add
your team to the system.
- Hit 'Done' - the game
will incorporate the new team into the system. Your team will
be filled with rookies, so you might want to make some trades
and sign some free agents before you simulate games.
- Select 'Edit Stadium'
and the team you just created will be in the edit box. The stadium
will be a generic stadium. From there, follow the instructions
for editing a stadium to create
your new stadium.